Friday, January 22, 2010

Ask and ye shall recieve

"Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened.”- Matthew 7:7-8

That was the qoute of the day at Faith Deployed: Daily Encouragement for Military Wives.

In The Power of a Praying Wife Omartian tals about asking, truthfully and whole heartedly for the things we want to most in our lives and for our spouses. I never thought about it that way before but do you truly as for what you want? Not what you think you want, not what you think God wants to hear, not what you think others want, or what others want to hear, not what would make you a seem like a good person to God or other but what you WANT?

The more I think it about the less I think I do. I'm going to try to change that. I mean how many times have I started to say a prayer and in the back of my mind another or totally different request is looming? And if we're not asking then how are we to recieve?

So I ask these things, I'm putting them out there into blog land because now I'm accountable to someone to something.

1. For my husband to graduate Ranger school.
2. For my husband to come home to me. In March. No Later.
3. To recieve a teaching job, a good one, teaching history and 8th graders.
4. To have a baby, one day. But in the next two years.
5. To have my husband protected, bodily, emotionally and spiritually.

There I did it. That's my list. These are the things I need. Or the things I think I need.

The next chapter talks about God giving us what we deserve and being willing to accept the things we deserve. It also talks about being willing to change, part of God's answer might just be that we have to change what we want.

One thing at a time.

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