Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Oh life…or pregnancy brain?

I came to Starbucks today to use the reliable internet connection with every intention of uploading some photos I had recently taken….and guess where the camera cord is? Not in my bag like I thought! ha.

Lots happening in the last few weeks.

I no longer work for the Child Development Center. I’m officially a substitute in the Fountain Fort Carson school district BUT because of my degree I get the nifty title of “guest teacher” hehe

Baby boy’s curtains are alllll finished!

His blanket is almost done just a few more finishing touches and I’ll have something to show for my endless hours of crocheting away!

The Braxton Hicks have started, that’s been fun. Almost as much fun as the fact he has set up residence in the right side of my rib cage. If I’m lucky I get 1-4 hours a day with a killing pain in my lower ribs that wraps around to the back. This makes getting things done, especially out and about things done pretty unpleasant. I just keep telling myself this will only last 11-12 more weeks and I’ll be a mommy.

Every time I see a baby I feel happy. I like babies, however I am scared to death of having my own in my house all the time.

Almost as scared as my husband seems to be at times.

But he is great with kids. I can’t wait to see him in action! Last week we were at Babies R Us and he was so great. The little girl in front of us was not happy but somehow he keep her giggling so the mom could check out. I hope he never looses that touch! I love that about him! I think he will truly be the best dad ever.